Netscape Navigator 3
From the “Options” menu select “General Preferences”.
Select the “Appearance” tab.
In the “Startup” sections, check “Netscape Navigator” and select “Home Page Location”.
In the text box under “Browser starts with:” enter “” (without the quotes).
Netscape Navigator 4
From the “Edit” menu select “Preferences”.
In the “Category” box, select “Navigator”.
In the “Location” box (under “Home Page”), enter “” (without the quotes).
Internet Explorer 3
From the “Edit” menu select “Preferences”.
Expand the “Web Browser” element in the tree list at the left.
Select “Home/Search”.
In the “Address” box (under “Home Page”), enter “” (without the quotes).
Internet Explorer 4
From the “View” menu select “Internet Options”.
Select the “General” tab.
In the “Address” box (under “Home Page”), enter “” (without the quotes).
Internet Explorer 5
Click here to make your default homepage
If you need further help with this, you may contact us.